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Subdivison & Development Planning

Our team of local experts can guide you through the subdivision and land development process from start to finish.

land surveying services adelaide

Expert subdivision and development planning advice from a local team

With over 60 years of experience, we have a deep understanding of the challenges that come with developments of urban and rural locations.

We’ll save you time and money by managing the entire subdivision process, from start to finish

Our team are involved in the subdivision and land development process from start to finish, providing expert advice and tailored solutions to help you deliver successful development projects with timeliness and efficiency.

Contact Us

Give your project the best chance of success with our easy, streamlined subdivision process

Contact us for a quote

We’ll put together a detailed outline of the process, estimated timeframes and costs associated with your project.

Lodge a Planning Permit Application

Our in-house town planner will prepare and manage the planning permit application from start to finish. A Feature and Level Survey or aerial photography may be required to prepare the subdivision design and planning application. We can help you through this process.


Undertake a Boundary Survey

We’ll conduct a formal survey of your property or land to determine the existing boundaries and marking of new boundaries.

Address Conditions of Approval

Before council certifies the Plan of Subdivision with a Statement of Compliance, we will assist you in liaising with the various authorities to comply with your planning permit requirements.

Lodge the certified survey with Land Use Victoria

Once all conditions of approval have been met, we’ll finalise and lodge the certified survey documents with Land Use Victoria.

Receive your new Certificates of Title

We work alongside your Conveyancer to finalise the process so you can start to reap the rewards whether you choose to sell or build.

Ferguson Perry Surveying can provide you with the knowledge to make the best decision for your development planning project

We represent your best interests to ensure your project is delivered successfully and efficiently.

Our team will work with you to ensure you achieve the best outcome for your project. We can assist with planning feasibility and pre-purchase due diligence, as well as analyse zoning, overlay and other planning scheme requirements.

We can also help you to prepare detailed planning reports for proposals, addressing the planning scheme requirements and relevant local and state planning policies, as well as prepare submissions to council and VCAT.

  • Prepare and manage development planning permit applications
  • Liaise with council and authorities to obtain necessary information
  • Engage subject matter experts to provide advice on land use and risk planning
  • Ensure residential development standards and objectives (ResCode) are adhered to and understood

Why choose Ferguson Perry Surveying?

We offer a local team with extensive experience and honest, practical advice to help you at every stage of the subdivision and land development process.

Our experience includes carrying out subdivisions for both small and large private sector clients.

We have a long association with large residential land subdivision projects and joint venture projects within the Horsham area, including Southbank Estate, Jenkinson Estate, Federation Estate, Weir Park, Stockton Park Estate and City Gardens. We have also been involved in Horsham Industrial land developments, such as Horsham Rural City Council’s Enterprise Estate and Southbank Estate, and agriculture infrastructure projects over many years.

Ferguson Perry Surveying has had a long association with the Department of Health and Human Services (formerly the Ministry of Housing), providing a variety of surveys to their requirements. The company is approved by the Surveyor General as a Consultant to Survey and Mapping, Victoria, and have carried out many surveys throughout the Wimmera Mallee and Western Victoria region to facilitate the State Government Asset Sale Program.

Do you need help with an upcoming subdivision or development planning project?

Contact the expert team at Ferguson Perry Surveying to discuss your requirements.